Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dinner 8/2/2009

Sloppy lentils on whole wheat rolls, asian coleslaw, fruit, and homemade cookies by Heather

I guess I should have tripled this recipe instead of doubling it.... it didn't seem to be as much as I expected, so I hope the sides made up for it and your families had enough!! I'll make my next meal extra big...

I actually followed recipes for all these. I had to borrow an extra crockpot from Holly...Don't think I'll do kiwi again b/c they took forever to peel.... Ernest made the coleslaw :)

Here they are:
Sloppy lentils $9
Asian coleslaw $7
Organic strawberries and kiwi w/ Agave -- $11
chocolate chip cookies $3

Total-- $30 (pretty good this week!)


  1. So freaking good! We love sloppy lennies around here and this recipe was especially good! Cookies....nom, nom, nom....

  2. This was really good, Dash loved the sloppy joes, and I loved listening to him say "doppy does" over and over.

  3. This was a great dinner and lunch! I loved the slaw and cookies too!
