Monday, July 13, 2009

Dinner 7/13/09

Courtney cooking Gazpacho, Spinach Salad, Pasta "Tuna" Salad, organic strawberries.

Gazpacho from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian
about 4 cups tomatoes. I used canned organic.
1 garlic clove
1 medium cucumber (from my mom's garden!)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 T red wine vinegar

Whack it all together in food processor.

Pasta "Tuna" Salad from Nava Atals cookbook
8 oz. pasta cooked
1/3 cup kalamata olives, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
8 oz. baked tofu (I baked tofu with some soy sauce drizzled over. 350 deg 45 min.), chopped
1/2 cup mayonaise (I used low fat)

mix all together and chill.

Spinach Salad
Baby organic spinach
honey tomatoes
kalamata olives

Freya put these together

Total cost around $20.00.

I found one problem was having a big enough pot to stir all 3 family sized dinner portions of pasta together. It got kind of messy. But our dog was happy. These recipes are for cold items on a very hot day. Oh, the organic strawberries were a really good price at Costco today, so that's why they were added.


  1. Thumbs up all the way around! Dash enjoyed putting the rigatoni on his fingers and gobbled the gazpacho. I'm looking forward to leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

  2. Thumbs up - Chris and I loved it! Who knew Gazpacho could be so good!! Lucy ate olives and strawberries. no surprise there.
