Tuesday, December 14, 2010

love Dinner Co-op

I've got the night off -- by myself. Curled up with the dog and a book on the sofa. Eating baked beans, lovely homemade bread, and carrot salad (not shown) added just yet another layer of great to the night. I added left-over bits of brie from Sunday. It's as good as a dinner could possibly be. And I thought worthy of a photo op. I wish I'd thought to take a photo of Zoe and Marc's beautiful salad with the tinier-than-I would-ever-bother apples that arrived last night. I love dinner co-op.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tempeh and Wild Mushroom Fricassee, Roasted Root Vegetables, and Salad

Tempeh and Wild Mushroom Fricassee
This is a great recipe. We made it as the main vegetarian dish on Thanksgiving and loved it - so I thought I'd make it for co-op too. We had 4 of the recipes from this article over the Thanksgiving weekend - thanks Cynthia!

Rosemary Roasted Vegetables